hye..its been so long since i've wrote my post..this time i gonna talk bout believe in urself..believe..what is believe actually?...a snack?..no2..believe are one of the principles in life that u need to hold tightly in urlife...without believe we r nothing or lost..so today im gonna write bout believing urslef...
believing in urself is one of the ways for us to pump our motivation to soar up in the sky high...why it is so important in our life?...because if we didnt believe in ourself..we will become pathetic..so pathetic until it is better to die helplessly..believe in urself will give u the guts to act normally and do aythings that u want to do..but hey...we have limits right?..so obey the limits...
i personally pity for those who didnt believe in themself thus making them restricted to do anything that they want...all of their moves are lock up just because they didnt believe in theirself...in order to become accepted by other persons or any particular groups...epecially teenagers nowadays..they didnt have the guts to stand up for themself just because they want to be accepted by some groups or whatsoever...they are willingly to sacrifice this'believe' thingy and bow to the lust of peer pressure...way to go..u've already lost in ur inner fight...
alot of small things can become big problems to us if we didnt have the guts(believing in urslef) in ourself...if we look at this kind of people who lost their guts(believe in themself)to peer pressure...i can say blatantly that it is better u shun urself rather than hypocritly become someone else just because u want to satisfy others ..what a pussy...
so the questions is how to believe in urself?...the answer is..u need to be strong and hard!..strong and hard as steel!...especially u if you go againts the stream...if u think by following the stream will make u become more weaker so uphold the challenge to fight the stream!...convey ur principles to others!...u must not bow to any critics or any kind of pressure that can jeopardize ur life and making it more miserable...how to be strong and how to deflect those negative critics or pressure?...do a post mortem at urslef...if those critics or pressure didnt bring any goods to you...oppose it...do not fear my friend because at the end..it will bring u the benefits that u have been longing for!...if u have found ur strong point...recite them as much as u can when u encounter some dificulities...that is also some ways for us to fertilize our guts!..for me..i alwasy said that in life there are lots of unexpected things...and i'm one of it!
so the conclusion is ..believe...believe in urself rather then believe in some faggots...